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Abundance Mindset For NETWORK Marketing Success (1)Abundance Mindset For NETWORK Marketing Success In todays post, I am going to delve into why having an abundance mindset is important if you want to experience Network Marketing Success.

In this world, people operate from two mindsets. The mindset of scarcity and the mindset of abundance.

The mindset of scarcity says “there is not enough to go around”.  “I got to grab my share before it all goes away”.

The mindset of abundance says “There is more than enough for everyone”. “I will be able to stake my claim and get my own share, and have more than enough left over”. “Everyone can win!”

See the difference?

What does The Abundance Mindset have to do with Network Marketing Success?

Most Network Marketers, especially the newbies, operate from a mindset of scarcity.  Believing that there are not enough leads or prospects. I actually learned this from two sources “The science of getting rich” by Wallace Wattles, and “Magnetic Sponsoring” by Mike Dillard. You need to read them both if you haven’t.

I believe most of the ugly things we see inside of Network Marketing are because of people not operating from a place of abundance. We have people who steal other peoples prospects, who try to piggyback off peoples adverts by spamming their links, and MOST of all, they act weak, needy and desperate to prospects who walk all over them.

Without an abundance mindset your chances at Network Marketing success are almost zero (click to tweet)

Why?? Because Prospects will walk all over you, and attempt to take your power. But once you realize you exist in a universe filled with unlimited people to talk to about your business, you can fire prospects who have bad energy, and this will set you on the way to Network Marketing Success.

Watch the video below where I delve deep into this.

VIDEO: More On Abundance Mindset And Network Marketing Success.

Did you get value?  Did you see how coming from a place of abundance actually helps you hold your power and posture?  Can you see how it makes you a more attractive leader? And hence sets you up to attract Network Marketing Success?

If you got value, do like, comment, and share with your team.  If you’re new to my blog and struggling with recruiting, head to the right side of my blog, enter your name and email, and download your free PDF of 5 MLM recruiting techniques.

Here’s to your Network Marketing Success!

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Abundance Mindset For Network Marketing Success 3
Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog

PS: If you are struggling to recruit people into your MLM business, then this is the course you should get. Click here to check it out!

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