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MLM Recruiting-5 Offline ToolsCrushing it in Network Marketing involves playing on two major fronts, online and offline.  So the important thing is to strike a balance.

Its very common for online Network Marketers to scoff at so called “old school” methods of building a business, and the old school do the same.

Personally I believe that you should do anything and everything to make your business work.  Online, offline, prospecting, the name list, etc. As long as it brings results to your MLM recruiting, you should do it.

So if you have been looking for some other ways to step up your MLM recruiting, then todays post is going to help you immensely.

I am going to be sharing 5 offline tools you can use to build your business. And I am sure you will get some maximum value!

5 Major Offline Tools To Build Your Business.

1. Business Cards-

Business cards are an overlooked way to get serious results with your MLM recruiting.  You can make a business card with your company name and logo and use it as a prospecting tool, especially if your company or business is expanding into a new area. HOWEVER, do not just give your business card to the prospect and expect them to call. Make sure that you are also collecting their information so you can actively follow up with them.

Would you like to know the other 4 offline tools to speed up your MLM recruiting and crush your business? Watch the video below!

Did you watch this video? Or did you skip it over? If you skipped it, press the play button and get some value and stop worrying about time or data.

Now can you see how valuable and easy it is to use some of the tools I mentioned to build your Network Marketing business?  And the cool thing is some of those tools are free, and might not cost you a penny!

So feel free to like, comment and share with anyone else who you think might want to crush their MLM recruiting.

To your success!


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5 Offline Tools To Crush Your MLM Recruiting 3
Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog
Follow me on Instagram: @adebusoye
Email: ade(at)adebusoye (dot)com

PS: I am always looking to work with new leaders.
If you are a no-excuses person and you’d like to work with me directly Click here to apply!

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