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mlm-prospecting_-avoid-this-major-mistakeAvoid This Major Mistake. in MLM prospecting, is an activity you have to do If you are building a Network Marketing business.

However, most network marketers go about it the wrong way, and it leads to a lot of frustration.

In today’s post, I am going to be sharing with you a MAJOR mistake most people make in their MLM prospecting efforts.

And I am pretty sure you will be fired up to prospect after this!

Heads Up: ProMLM Recruiting Mastery Event Holding In March

If you are in the Lagos area, and you are a Network Marketer looking to up your game, and your skills, then you should seriously consider attending our event.

Its called ProMLM Recruiting Mastery.

We will have 7 powerful speakers who will train you on the skills to take your business to the next level.

For more details, including how to register, click the link below.

>>Click here to find out more about ProMLM Recruiting Mastery<<

MLM Prospecting- Avoid This Major Mistake Made By Most Network Marketers

I was listening to a course by Ray Higdon, and he talked about a scenario which is common to most Networkers.

You join a company, you are excited, and your upline gives you a “script” you can use to begin to talk to people.

You now run off with excitement, and use this script on everyone and two things happen:

  1. They wonder why you sound so weird on the phone
  2. They reject you.

According to Ray Higdon, you got to practice what he calls “Differentiation” when prospecting.

This means you have to tailor your words, and approach to the person you are prospecting for your MLM, and not approach them all  the same way.

Check out the Facebook live video below where I delve more into this:

What was your biggest takeaway?

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PS: Click here to check out the MLM Recruiting Course From Ray Higdon that I mentioned in todays post

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Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog
Follow me on Instagram: @adebusoye
Email: ade(at)adebusoye (dot)com

PS: I am always looking to work with new leaders.
If you are a no-excuses person and you’d like to work with me directly Click here to apply!


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