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blog, Network Marketing Posture | 1 commentHow to stop being weak in MLM.


There is a lot of weakness in the Network Marketing profession in general. Especially when it comes to prospecting.

By weakness, I mean a lack of pride or belief in this industry and what it represents.

Network Marketing is free enterprise. An average guy can join this business with an affordable amount of money, and go on to build a business empire which will pay residual income over and over again.

Millionaires have been created in this industry. Lives have been saved, and people have been touched positively over and over again.

This industry has set families free from  financial instability, and provided peace of mind to people worldwide, and allowed people to escape the rat race of trading time for money.

This industry is a gift, however most people do not know it or realize it, and so when they are prospecting, they give off this fear, which prospects can detect subconsciously. So its not uncommon for you to see network marketers literally begging, chasing or convincing people to join their team.

Some people even go on to steal others prospects, out of desperation:

“Pleassseeeeeeee join meeeeee…..don’t worry about the guy who invited you, remember, you and I knew each other from years back”

Sure, you knew each other from years back, but you didn’t have the balls to tell them about your Network Marketing business.

Now, you’re trying to steal them….how weak is that? And how will this industry be viewed by others because of your actions?

Not everyone is qualified to join your organization or team, and the sooner you realize that, the better for you.

If I am on the phone with a prospect, and the person is rude to me, then its bye bye, and on to the next prospect. I do not have time to waste. Its time to realize that we have the answer, and we have the keys to the promised land.

Do not be afraid to share your business, and do not be afraid to qualify your prospect.


Ask simple qualifying questions like:

  • Why are you looking at a home based business?
  • What is your dream?
  • Do you realize this business might involve hard work?

A lot of people might turn out to be tyre kickers, people who are just “curious” but are not willing to take any sort of action.

Some people might even be negative towards you, and expect you to beg them to join your team.

This is where belief and posture come in.

Truth is, this business is not for everyone, and you are looking for leaders, people who are go getters, and self starters. People who are coachable and have a burning desire to change their lives.

Last week, a prospect I sent to a live meeting hung up the phone on me, simply because she wanted me to place someone under her immediately she joined, so she could qualify for a fast start bonus she didn’t work for.  She went and joined the first person who promised her that. Good riddance, even though we took the case up for ethical reasons, and escalated it to our main headquarters, I still didn’t want her on my team.

Someone I was prospecting once asked me “so what do you have to offer”?  I think I replied “It depends on you”.

I didn’t dance to his tune, or answer silly questions.

A lot of people try to steal your power, or mess you up in Network Marketing.

Maintain your power, believe in your opportunity, believe in Network Marketing.

When you approach a prospect, always remember, you have what people are looking for, and you just might be the one to change their lives.

Qualify your prospects. You are a business owner. If you had a traditional business, would you beg people to work for you? Or would you be sitting across the table like a boss, asking them to tell you why you should hire them?

You need to bring that same energy into your business.

  • Stop being weak.
  • Stop paying for people to join your business.
  • Stop begging them to join.

See you on the other side.

Now go create a dynasty.


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Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog

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1 Comment

  1. How to stop being weak in MLM. 26 Caleb Wright on May 25, 2014 at 3:10 pm

    Great advice in this post about the network marketing business in general. It’s better to be strong, than weak in network marketing. And you should never be paying someone to join your business, if they are not willing to pay for it themselves, than they are not ready to be in business.


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