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How To Overcome Negativity In Your Home-Based Business

overcoming objections home based business woman

In a home based business, one of the biggest pitfalls experienced by budding entrepreneurs is overcoming the negativity and skepticism experienced when trying to share your network marketing business with others.

If you are not mentally prepared for this, you stand the risk of giving in to discouragement and dropping out.

Let’s paint a scenario.

You just signed up as a rep or distributor with a new company, charge into action and begin pitching your business to all and sundry. Immediately, you get hit with remarks like:

Is this a pyramid“?
My cousin James tried one of these things and failed
Only the people who got in early make money
How much are you earning?
Convince me to join

And most newbies and even some so-called experienced hands fall prey to this and their home based business begins to suffer,

Now the key to handling comments like those above is called posture.

Posture is your confidence and your belief in your opportunity.

One of my mentors, Ray Higdon would say “Never give away your power”.

You need to have the mindset that what you have is a valuable opportunity, and if they aren’t ready to embrace it, or see the vision, then maybe they aren’t right for your business.

You also need to have an abundance mindset.

An abundance mindset goes…” You know what? There are so so many people out there who need what I have to offer, and I’m going to find them”.

Now, with that in mind, let’s give you some tips for handling the objections in a home based business above, from a strong, postured mindset.

Overcoming Negativity In Your Home-Based Business – Objection Handling Tips

Is this a pyramid” –

Response: *Roll your eyes* “Are you kidding?, I don’t do illegal pyramids…maybe this isn’t for you.”

“My cousin tried one of these and failed” -Response…”People who try stuff, don’t succeed….only people who DO!”

“How much are you earning” – Response – “That’s unimportant. What is important is that I have an opening on my team for people who are interested in making extra money. Are you interested or not?”

“Convince me to join”

Response- “Sorry we don’t convince people in (Insert the name of your company here). Our opportunity speaks for itself.”

“Only people who got in early make money” – This is easy.

There are so many examples of people succeeding after joining a company three years after the company’s inception.

Use one such example, then ask “Are you ready for this or not”?

That’s taking back your power and displaying leadership in your home based business.

Conclusion: Overcoming Negativity In Your Home-Based Business

DONT be afraid to walk away from any prospect you feel is wasting your time. You are a leader and your time is very valuable.

I am not advocating arrogance, but if you sense people are trying to take away your power and rain on your parade, you need to handle it immediately.

Did you gain anything from this post on overcoming negativity in your home based business?

If you implement these tips, I can guarantee that you will be miles ahead of most reps in your company, or even in the entire industry!


Because they let people’s negativity get to them.

But you are different, which is why you are reading this.

If you did, please tweet this, and help spread the word on social media.

To your success!


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Home Based Business Tips: How To Overcome Profound Negativity 3
Adewale Adebusoye’s MLM and Internet Marketing Blog
Follow me on Instagram: @adebusoye

PS: If you are struggling to recruit people into your business, this is the course you should get.


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